Saturday, August 10, 2013

Grainless Mock Oatmeal

This is a quick and simple breakfast recipe that I think you will find surprisingly good. I stumbled upon a version of this recipe last year when I decided to try a diet that was completely grain- and dairy-free. You may have heard of it already, it's called the Primal Blueprint diet, which is also very similar to the Paleo Diet. These diets go back to primitive times where only lean meats, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts were readily available. Some believe that living like our ancestors did, who originally were hunters and gatherers, is truly the way our bodies were designed to eat and thrive. They also believe that the grains and dairy products that have been introduced to our diets thereafter account for a lot of health issues we have today. 

Now, I don't eat like a caveman all the time anymore, but I have adapted many aspects of this diet into my daily lifestyle because I do see the benefits of it, and to me, it makes pretty darn good sense. In general, I find that I feel healthier eating this way. And, as you probably have already found out for yourself, that being gluten-free has increased your intake of fruits and vegetables anyway just due to the shear safety factor. Since all fruits and vegetables are naturally gluten-free, you don't have to worry about what you are eating. 

This recipe does call for almond butter, which costs a bit more than peanut butter does. I use Maranatha No Stir Crunchy Almond Butter which costs me $6.59 for the jar, where as your generic peanut butter will probably run you about $2.50 for the same size jar. So, if you want, you can substitute the almond butter for any nut butter you choose or have on hand. In the Primal/Paleo diet peanuts are not allowed. Peanuts are actually a legume, and legumes of all kinds are not part of these diet. So, that is why I used the almond butter, plus the fact that I really do enjoy the almond butter in this recipe the best.

Anyway, I'm not here to pitch the "primal way of life" to you by any means, but I am here to share a delicious breakfast option for you that I've created based off of these diet principles. It is not only delicious, healthy and filling, but it is also quick and easy to make. Talk about a win-win!

I hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think!

Grainless Mock Oatmeal
4 oz. unsweetened applesauce (homemade, or store bought)
2 tablespoons chunky almond butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon lemon zest

Mix all ingredients together well in a small bowl, and enjoy!
Yup, it's that simple!

Note: This recipe can be served warm by heating it on the stove in a small sauce pan for about five minutes on medium heat, or in the microwave for 1 - 2 minutes.

Makes 1 serving.
This recipe is gluten-free, vegan, and dairy-free.
(adapted from

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